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Kindness. Humanism.Secular. Sceptic. History, Pre-Raphaelites, Reading, Life-Long Learning. 'Sanity Is Not Statistical'.'Fill the unforgiving minute...'.

Sunday, 11 February 2018


Mythos- Stephen Fry

From the foam - Aphrodite - Cyprus

Hecatonchires - hundred hands

Ouranos - Sky God
Kronos- his son
Zeus - The Cretan boy

Jupiter,  Saturn (Kronos), Uranus - Son, Father, Grandfather

Hades - Pluto
Hestia - Vesta
Demeter - Ceres
Hephaestus - Vulcan

Zeus and the honeybee.

Pallas Athena - Minerva
Temple of Athena - Parthenon - Acropolis
Artemis and Apollo - Twins
Phoebus Apollo

Artemis - Diana - Goddess of the Moon - Chaste - Goddess of the hunt

Pleiades - Seven Sisters

Hermes steals Apollo's cattle
Hermes makes and gifts a lyre to Apollo

Megala Kazania on Mount Olympus

Pandora - All-Gifted - Pandora's Jar

Eros (Cupid) and Psyche wedding

Zeus and Io
Io turned into a cow by Zeus
Bosporus - Cow-crossing

Europa and Cadmus - Sister and Brother
Cadmus and Harmonia - Husband and Wife

Dionysus - Bacchus

Dionysus - Son of Zeus and Semele (a mortal)
Zeus reveals his true form to Semele
Maenads - followers of Dionysus

Actaeon turned into a stag by Artemis
Hamadryad - a nymph who lives in a tree
Corvus - the Crow Constellation

Otus and Ephialtes - Giants in the modern sense - sons of Poseidon
Pelion on Ossa

The wheel of Ixion
Niobe's tears. Niobe angers Leto.
Leto - mother of twins Artemis and Apollo

Athena and Arachne - weaving contest
Athena turns Arachne into a Spider

Zeus and Callisto
Callisto turned into a bear by Hera
Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (Great Bear and Little Bear constellations)

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