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Kindness. Humanism.Secular. Sceptic. History, Pre-Raphaelites, Reading, Life-Long Learning. 'Sanity Is Not Statistical'.'Fill the unforgiving minute...'.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Maurice Sendak

So let me simply say: I think of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their president on their side. I think of Maurice Sendak, who just died, whose decades-long relationship was never given the respect it deserved. I think of the centuries and decades in which gay people found it impossible to believe that marriage and inclusion in their own families was possible for them, so crushed were they by the weight of social and religious pressure. I think of all those in the plague years shut out of hospital rooms, thrown out of apartments, written out of wills, treated like human garbage because they loved another human being. I think of Frank Kameny. I think of the gay parents who now feel their president is behind their sacrifices and their love for their children. - http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/05/obama-lets-go-of-fear.html

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